March 1, 2023
Oh, the Joys of Organizing! Really!
Krista Beavers

I don't know if you know this about me, friend, but I seriously find joy in organizing. My closets, my cabinets, my drawers, my work files and folders, clients' financial accounts and bookkeeping... you name it, I like to organize it.

Don't judge me! I know not everyone shares my love of organizing! But I happily own it. That's not to say everything in my life is always perfectly organized. Far from it. (For example, you should see my car!)

If you don't love organizing, that's okay. You do you, and we can still be friends. However, I did a little online research and found 5 Surprising Benefits of Being Organized that I encourage you to consider.

(And if you're a fellow fan of organizing, get ready for some validation!)

The article shares that organization does the following:

1. Reduces stress

2. Helps you sleep better

3. Promotes a healthier diet

4. Increases productivity at work

5. Can improve your relationships

I didn't make that up! You can click here to read the article yourself if you're interested in more details.

Either way — whether organization comes naturally to you or if you struggle with it — with spring coming later this month, now might be a good time to do some spring cleaning and organizing of your own.

Or not. No pressure. But you really don't know what you're missing if you don't at least give it a shot!


Organization can be your greatest asset. Get organized and create systems that ensure tasks are completed quickly and correctly.

From the endless paperwork and emails piling up in your office, the time you spend searching for that one essential document can feel like an eternity. But, on the other hand, organization can be your greatest asset!

Organization is also key to customer service, as disorganization can cost your business dearly. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way more than once!

If orders are not processed in an orderly fashion, customers can end up waiting far too long for their purchases. And if billing systems aren't up to snuff, customers can be charged incorrectly or not at all. This kind of inaccuracy and lack of organization will inevitably lead to customer dissatisfaction – and that leads straight to lost profits. The impact of chaotic organization can be fatal to any business. If you don't have a handle on your information, resources and processes, your workflow will suffer, and your employees won't be able to work efficiently.

As the business owner, you need to take action now! No more delays. No more excuses. Get organized and create systems that ensure tasks are completed quickly and correctly. Step up and lead the charge. It's time to make a change for the better. With effective organization strategies in place, you'll experience less stress and uncertainty, open opportunities for growth, reduce costs and ultimately enjoy greater success!